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Creolio under the hood showcase...

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Creolio WP is under constant development. Fixes, updates, new cool features… Don’t miss the latest version! Be instantly notified.

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Social options manager

Let the world know who you are and make it easy for them to follow your online activities anytime. Use drag & drop to reorder them to your needs.

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19 Widgets

6 New absolutely awesome widgets in addition to the great default WordPress widgets. Twitter, Flickr, Dribble, Social, Categories and Recent posts.

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4 widgetized areas

Personalize your website’s look and feel by choosing your own sets of widgets and displaying them in the appropriate places.

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Organize your content using many sophisticated built in shortcodes and create unique page layouts and content combinations.

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Built in Responsive Slider

Creolio comes with a very easy to use responsive image and video slider. Prepare your slides, reorder them and use them anywhere with a shortcode.

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Neat overview pages

To make it easier for you to organize your posts we have enhanced the default overview pages by displaying essential information.

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Super-easy back-end

Choose from Standard, Image, Audio and Video post types. It’s super-easy to switch between the different options! Try it yourself.

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Custom logo upload

Upload your company’s logo with just a few clicks in the back-end administration of Creolio Display Options.

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Fresh Skins & colors

Choose from the 10 predefined fresh color schemes or pick each color on your own. Make some breathtaking combinations!

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Hundreds of Fonts

Choose from the huge variety of Google web fonts. Make your web presentation unique by choosing a Slick font.

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Google Anaytics & tracking

Track the online activity with simplicity. Creolio WP comes with a built in tracking field so you could add any tracking you wish.

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Custom CSS styles

Custom look & feel modifications are extremely easy! Do them right from the back-end without even opening a CSS file.

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100% SEO Ready

Either you use the built in SEO Fields or you reach out for professional plugins, Creolio WP is here to support you!

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Import demo content

Enjoy the ease of content customisation and get inspiration from then demo content. Simply import the XML file and start personalising.

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Awesome Support

Whenever you feel lost and desperate, we’ll be here to cover your back. Contact us and we’ll make sure you get TOP Support!

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FAQs section online

To make the process of customisation even easier we created a set of frequently asked questions. Have a look, your answer might be waiting for you.

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.. and many more for just $45